Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.
the best is yet to come
full moon.
ok. i'm safe. i'm still human. my body is aching.
that aside. today was one of the worst ever.
cham cham and me used to joke about jy. he ponteng so much last time, we always say next time he ponteng his wedding. then to better that, he ponteng his funeral. haha, such stupid conversations we have.
today, i was late.
paper was at 8.
i woke up at 7.
slept abit more.
woke up at 7.58.
sian. so much for leisurely strolling to school.
changed, grabbed my bag. zhao.
fong call me. i say i rushing down.
reached my desk at 8.30.
WAH...lidat is c.m.i. loh. should kick myself.
somehow i managed to finish. cannot cannot liao!
tmr i shall buy an alarm clock.
just now help out with climbing abit. didn't really do much in my opinion.
but...i feel kinda poked.
pumped way too fast liao. and technique is still lacking.
i want to become stronger.
the lights were completely out today...hurhur, climbing in the dark.
so romantic.
my target! manage 50 pull ups by the time i go army!
impossible? quite. but i don't care.
went to assisi today.
chatted quite abit with marianne and anna.
those two quite funny. haha.
and marianne learns ballet! that's awesome man.
she can do the toe thing and also know how to split(these must be like..,so simple for her, i prolly sound stupid)
i should strengthen my toes too...ahhhh okok.
gimme more of TEE's TE XUN!
thanks SR...thanks for the chalk...just swell..
just came back!
route setting so fun loh! :)
but i went late...overslept... :(
nevermind! tomorrow got round 2!
when i reached, kairul was exlaining how to set up safety when you're up there. it can even be done such that you don't need a belayer! but must bring a lot of things.
when it was time to go up, i had a full-body harness on, one krab with scotch tape, one krab with the alan keyish thing attached to a daisy chain, two lobsters for safety, and was also attached to a static rope using the abseil thing(dunno what it's called). so heavy, felt like i was some swat guy with full body armour. but still very cool.
had dinner with turtle and kc after that. he was surprised when i told him i wasn't aching just now.
accused me of skiving.
well, if it makes you happy, you'll be glad to know i'm beginning to ache now.
arms and abs particularly. legs...maybe not yet(tomorrow tomorrow)
only....maybe is because of climbing that it hurts. hoho
i went home alone. but maybe is better that way. try again tomorrow. :)
oh ya. tomorrow got gp paper also...hehe
dunno if i should attempt some weird question or just try and write quickly. dun really feel gpish leh...see how la.
feeling thirsty. time to top up my ribena levels.
inhuman loh.
i went to office to get romans trail notes for meeting darren and amos.
shun bian join dong and turtle for "exercise".(supposedly, turtle has been helping dong "prepare" for army)
i thought is running so i brought my running shoes.
turns out all the running we did was just run to the exercise corner....the "exercise" corner.
want to use a nicer name, a cooler name, i would call it te xun.
te xun has 2 uses.
1. to discover levels you never knew you had(this being in a situation when you come very close to death also achieves this)
think: bankai, gear, super saiyan, SEED mode, oversoul...etc
2. to reach those levels faster(i.e. level up faster)
te xun works on the wdkyomys principle(what-doesn't-kill-you-only-makes-you-stronger principle)
but want to use a righter name, is call torture.
i think my body is gonna aching alot tomorrow.
if it doesn't...means i am fulfiling 1.
if it does...then i am fulfilling 2.
now i hasn't been easy for you...
but lidat good la.
tonight set route!
disjointed thoughts
i'm eating too many eggs. i think i really might die young.
"male, 20, collapses and dies from too much cholestrol"
today i blew a flying kiss and got laughed at.
apparently i can't fart in secret unless i'm alone.
and it also seems my body clock isn't working. or at least...the alarm spoil liao.
tomorrow set routes. looking forward.
i'm glad i went for dr tong today.
before, during, and after all good.
some questions to ponder:
how do you know you exist?
how is religion avoiding God?
how can we ever prove anything?
how come God's existence can't be proven?
how is a philosopher different from a pagan seeker different from a christian seeker?
how has your life mattered?
half moon. also nice.
didn't bother about timing today.
didn't bother about distance either.
didn't bother about pacing too.
just needed to run.
had quite a bit on my mind and it was kinda bothering me.
also, i think i'm terribly unfit. terribly terribly unfit.
so run loh.
saw a japanese family just now.
thought about what it would be like to live in japan.
then i dismissed the thought and continued running.
run because you can.
run to let out steam.
run to think about nothing but the next step. and the next. and the next.
run to have good sleep after that.
which is what i'm going to have right now.
program for the night!
watch shrek 2!
make sandwich!
eat sandwich!
kill time!
prolly ps2 or see stars.
champions league final!
AC Milan vs Liverpool!
i feel...powerful.
despair not!
that's how u make an impact.
grit your teeth, clench your fist, and hit them hard.
it's gonna hurt.
but it's better than dying a slow painful death.
watch out boys...
of course,
God, grant me the strength and courage too.
the place is huge....
my table is a mess.
the room is a mess.
sort of.
things don't look to get any better.
but i could be wrong.
leena's flying in five and a half hours time.
i'm seeing her off to make sure nothing goes wrong.
then the house is gonna get emptier.
and i'm gonna do the house work for a change.
so exciting.
the house work, that is.
ac milan versus liverpool tomorrow night...thursday morning. whatever.
kc and turt might be coming over.
gotta stock up on junk food then.
settle that tomorrow.
happened today again. swell...
can't possibly happen tomorrow right? better not.
this could turn out bad...
on the flip side, at least my ankle's feeling better.
today some of us went down to see dong's graduation.
i figured i'd be late so i cycled.
got there earlier than i expected.
but i got lost in the poly. the place is huge...
nus how sia...(of course...i may not even get this worry is unwarranted)
dong's family looked real happy for him. it's good to see them like this.
his mom was overjoyed.
and i take my hat off to Mr Lim.
congrats bro.
the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club
fight club.
mayhem. mischief. soap.
wah, but really.
it's far worse than that.
it is dark, twisted and depraved...
objectively, as a film, i admit it is well made.
has more depth than other shows(think teenage mutant ninja turtles...)
visual effects and acting is not bad.
but i could have done without the graphic content...(although i think the impact would have been lessened as a result)
when i watched it, it was so shocking and disturbing...all that i could think of was how brad pitt's character was very close to the "true atheist" that Dr Tong mentioned.
how he was "free". the result?
but in retrospect, actually...the show could appear to suggest that "complete freedom" is bad.
how edward norton finally "defies and defeats" brad pitt because it is "not right"..
maybe the film was just showing how horrific and undesirable it would be to have a society that was completely "unrestraint".
the chaos that would ensue is...scary.
now that i think about it...actually there's more to it than i thought!
too bad i returned it liao.
maybe i should borrow again..
cannot cannot..
siao liao...
this is bad...
cannot happen again.
i got one week to rectify the problem.
after that...HOLIDAY!!!
yes...time to take a break from my holiday break and return to the natural way of things.
anyway. some thoughts on comics.
comics have lousy culture? quite possibly.
but...comics are reflective of culture? very likely.
the world is folled with all sorts of different philosophies and what nots.
everybody has different views of what reality is like.
some are closer to the truth than others. that's a fact.
some people pride themselves in knowing or understanding the philosophies of the "great thinkers".
but honestly, what use is there in knowing the philosophies of the world if it means nothing to you?
going a step further, we should learn to see how the lay person lives out his philosophy.
what does all this have to do with comics?
well. when something becomes popular, it usually means something.
i think that there is much value in understanding what is popular and why it is popular. extending beyond this, what are the phiosophies that have shaped it thus, and what are the philosophies that it itself is demonstrating.
that's the idea isn't it? to see how the ideas of men have seeped into society and what are their ramifications. understanding this, and understanding it's flaws are what will put you on a better platform to tear down strongholds.
i think that comics could well be very telling of the japanese culture and could also show what many people think(or wish to think) in japan...
don't think i can carry this too far tho. should put more thought into it frst.
but won't it be cool to study this in the U....?
The Best is Yet to Come..
In English this time.
The Best is Yet to Come
Do you remember the time
when little things made you happy?
Do you remember the time
when simple things made you smile?
Life can be wonderful
if you let it be.
Life can be simple
if you try.
Whatever happened to those days?
Whatever happened to those nights?
Do you remember the time
when little things made you sad?
Do you remember the time
when simple things made you cry?
Is it just me
is it just us?
Feeling lost in this world?
Why do we have to hurt each other?
Why do we have to shed tears?
Life can be beautiful
if you try.
Life can be joyful
if we try.
Tell me
I'm not alone.
Tell me
We are not alone in this world
fighting against the wind.
Do you remember the time
when simple things made you happy?
Do you remember the time
when little things made you laugh?
You know
life can be simple.
You know
life is simple.
the best thing in life is yet to come.
the best is yet to come...
The Best is Yet to Come
I first heard this song some 9 years ago.
The number of times I've listened to it since then probably amounts up to the hundreds.
It's in gaelic I think. Or irish.
Whatever it is...I like....
The Best is Yet to Come
An cuimhin leat an grá
Crá croí an ghrá
Níl anois ach ceol na h-oíche
Táim sioraí i ngrá
Leannáin le smál
Leannáin le smál
Lig leis agus beidh leat
Lig leis agus beidh grá
Cuimhne leat an t-am
Nuair a bhí tú sásta
An cuimhne leat an t-am
Nuair a bhí tú ag gáire
Tá an saol iontach
Má chreideann tú ann
Tug aghaidi ar an saol is sonas sioraí inár measc
Céard a tharla do na laethanta sin
Céard a tharla do na h-oícheanta sin
An cuimhin leat an t-am
Nuair a bhí tú faol bhrón
An cuimhin leat an t-am
Go sioraí sileadh na ndeor
An ormsa nó orainne a bhí an locht
Ag mothú caiite s'ar fán
Cén fáth an t-achrann is sileadh na ndeor
Tá áilleacht sa saol
Má chuardaíonn tú e
Tá gliondar sa saol
Cuardaimís e
Written and Produced by
Rika Muranaka
Words Translated by
Blathnaid Ni Chufaigh
cut off end. put in microwave oven. heat on HIGH for 3 1/2 minutes. leave for 2 minutes. best served with coke.
just had a late night snack and i am feeling happy about having filled my stomach.
my ankle hurt more today than it did last friday, even though i played basketball on friday.
in 7 hours time my folks will be checking into the departure hall.
in 9 hours time my folks will be boarding the plane to chengdu.
in 14 hours time my folks will be in chengdu.
my mom's all excited. and i'm all excited. :)
apparently blogger has not been giving me problems again...
ah. it's bob's birthday.
ah. was.
expired one and a half hours ago.
chief contruction worker teh!
aiyah, it's a fact.
i was born to use my hands, not my head!
been doing some "construction work" the past few days(yaya, it may not acutally be but dun burst my bubble can?).
first nailed the teak sheets to the floor of my room.
then worked on some platform kindof thing my mom wants to make using wooden planks on the roof.
me and dad and the ball, all help out here and there.
so fun! drill holes using electric drill, then use electric screwdriver to screw the planks together, then got measure this and that, then got sawing too and also use hammer...i feel like franky! or ice berg!
only i'm not making a ship and i'm using electric tools... we thought the electric screwdriver spoiled today so i thought can finally do manual work! but alas...only contact bad. dad fixed it quick enough...still i wanna use manual screwdriver...try next time.
i like woodwork. and i like to engage myself in hands-on fun.
dunno when i can work more tho...most likely is at night liao...won't be home the next few afternoons...oh well.
the ball really craked me up today. said lots of funny things...haha(wrong things too at that..)
ur english..really must improve lah...haha
lol, been doing this quite a bit liao
haven't written in a while.
and only so because i've been sleeping instead!
been kinda busy lately. shows have been put on hold as a result..
all piling up...i borrow but never watch...
unwatched shows in my possesion(soon soon...will watch)
1. american beauty
2. memento
3. last samurai
4. thin red line
5. a touch of spice
then somemore, just looked through more shows i want to see! siao liao, how to ever finish them all!
some significant things that have happened during this period of silence(and slumber).
1. cycled to NUS!
shorter than i thought. heh, it was cool to go from one place to another and take breaks here and there. i've learnt how to go faster on the racer! and also, the difference between west area and east area? west got cooler bikes. =X
nvm, east got stronger muscles. =P
haha. kidding.
slept in NUS...and it rained heavily that night...wonderful, although a bit cold.
study there next time!
(and enjoy it!...must pass A's first tho...)
2. finally cleaned the study!
can see the floor now! amazing. i amaze myself. really. really i do. all the notes all stored away nicely. now there's a mattress in the study, previousy from my room(cos now in the process of cleaning up my room). hehe. can just turn and jump onto the bed. so shiok. i like things in order. organised mess is great, but organised cleared up mess is even better! and can walk around more freely too!
3. dad got into an accident of some sort.
side door of the car had a big dent in it when he came home one day. dad's fine. the car isn't. hoho. no car for 2 to 3 weeks...(HOW WILL WE EVER SURVIVE!?)first day gone, i was late for school(but heck, i slept through most of it anyway when i reached). today just on time. gonna need to rely on my bike i just need to get it back from eh.
4. made a girl fall(sort of)
sian. guilt tripped. see la? childish lah? what happen? girl fall. not intentional one, but things got out of hand...and i didn't even do much...(sounds like i'm defending myself hor?)seems like i've been apologising a bit more recently. sigh....
sorry ah.
5. watched titoo lang 3!
call it male bonding or something. trying to teach the ball to be a bit more adventurous and reckless... he was scared of watching cos of mom and all...but he went in the end! went with the ball and hnin phyu(who called me a slob) and went home in the wee hours of the night... show was ok, but i think i may like 2 more than 3. not that 3 is bad, but maybe a bit rushed? like the effects tho. and stan lee hada cameo! loong and ms lee caught it too i think(not unexpected). hehe, went home and the ball suggested taking pic of me lying on the road!(i think he's slowly getting there). cool, so fun.
next show is shrek...
and cham cham wants to watch next too..heh
more cinema this time round then.
and let's not forget my un-confirmed date with bob and *ahem*...