Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



whatta day

activity filled day!
went to church early for rehearsal.
helped to do abit of the prep for the key chain.
caught no ball once again.
tfc was key chain. feeling a bit discouraged from students. but remind myself to push...
bridging games after that, not many stayed... few said they would others didn't say so but stayed but not for bridging.
i bridged with martini...for a few hours. sucked the energy out of me.
when not much company left in church went down to subway to have a nice meal alone.
met up with papa next to go home and chill abit before going raffles city to shop for atas things with vouchers, haha.
went to quite a couple of shops. needed a pair of pants for taiwan and needed a pair of pants, period. so eventually picked one from british india. hehe. happy buy.
went off to indoor stadium after that for concert.
saw shirts being sold outside. but selling out liao. colours remaining not my taste. so didn't buy. went in and there was another booth. bought a nice brown shirt from there.
took our seat after that. what followed was a very interesting performance and i found myself largely smiling most of the time. funny.
went supper with papa after that before going bob's house for the match betweenman u and aston villa. good match, shame abt the result though. but good goals nonetheless...
need a breather.
now, to sleep.



the cat

the cat wakes up late everyday.
when the cat wakes up he's usually hungry and will go on a hunt for food, usually in the lockers of unsuspecting khaki berets and then there's also the occasional blue beret...
once he's had his fill the cat will want to find a place to sleep while he digests his meal.
so he'll find the nearest most convenient most comfortable most cleanest bed available.
and then he will transport himself to lalaland...until the bed's true owner returns, usually horrified by the fact that a fat black cat has made their bed his new home.
the true bed owner will then reach for the cats neck (because he becomes powerless once you have control over his neck(you will know when this happens because the cat will usually let out a shriek of weakening)) and will throw him out of his bed.
ruffled by his unpleasant encounter with the previous bed's owner, the cat now sets out on a hunt for a new slumber place.
this carries on until lunch. after which the cat will probably take a bath and repeat the process until dinner.
during which time the cat will go on a journey to lands unknown for food better than what he can scavenge from the lockers of the afformentioned berets.
last week we had chicken wings bbq-ed to perfection followed by carrot cake fried to perfection followed by bar chor mee minced to perfection(but turns out this perfection isn't actually perfect) followed by stingray chillied to perfection followed by sugar cane squeezed to perfec-lemony-tion and ended off with fruits diced to perfection(actually we just had guava and honeydew)
and the cat failed his ippt.
and had to change out of his civi to pt kit last book out for last min rt that he didn't know about.
and the cat says i talk too much rubbish.


wrong way wround

ok, so let's try to prove God's existence scientifically.
oh wait, we can't.
how could i possibly conduct a series of experiments to deduce that a supernatural being exists?

eh, firstly my science not say very good la...c for chem and p for physics. i mean d.
so to ask me to do something so scientific is a bad mistake. not that it is a lousy mistake in that it is a sound choice. i mean it is mistake that is very very bad in the mistake-ish sort of way.
the secondly, even if my science was good like triple A's in a very kb-esque sort of way, it still wouldn't make a difference cos nobody can prove God's existence scientifically just like how nobody can prove what the gravitational constant is simply by looking at the force between two planets(er, is this example even valid? i dunno man. see? told you is bad mistake to tell me to do science... (anyway, that's besides the point))

how about i ask it this way,
"can we prove science scientifically?"
in asking to prove God, we're trying to find some cause and effect for God.
then, how about a cause and effect for science?
eh, what causes science to believe in cause and effect?
i mean, what is the reason behind our assumption in science that whatever "was" yesterday, "is" today?
how can we assume that what was true yesterday is still true today?
just because something has been happening the same way for the past few centuries means that it won't change tomorrow? why? we observe a pattern and assume our deduction to be the truth.

"it's just like that" some scientists will say.
then why can't God also be "just like that"?

nono. God's gotta be proved.

ok now let me try to turn it around.
Let's "prove" God theologically.
and then let's prove science theologically.

God exists because He just is.
God is orderly because He just is.
Creation is ordered because God made it so and sustains it so.
Science is ordered because and orderly God made creation so and science along with it so.
hence, science now can believe in its cause and effect because it too is cause and effect.
God being the cause and science being the effect.
science being the effect of God does not cause God to be under the same influence of this "cause and effect" thingy. hence, cause and effect need not apply to God in the same way apart from the fact that God's so-called "cause" is Himself.

what the heck la. God is the cause of everything else la. everything that is exists and has its being in God. logic and science flow out of his being.

so, similarly(i think), if i knew the gravitational constant. i now can prove the force between two planets to be such and such.
erh. ya.


let me explain....

yesterday i went to eastpoint to buy pro evo 2009 cos i felt like a footie.
not literally that i felt like a football but that i felt like playing football on ps3 and i figure it's a fun game to have that can play quick games and that can play with others when they come over cos football is easy to pick up and play and bob keeps going on and on about getting it something about it being THE game which i disagree cos mgs4 then is THE game.
so anyway, world of jj was closed. thanks alot. so much for my pro evo 2009 that i hoped to get at a cheaper price than the $89 one at parkway simply because this one was going to be second hand, well what more would i pay for such a game?
anyway, since that marked the end of my game mao xian, i figured maybe i could go check out comics and maybe buy one from popular. so up i went.
eh...all the series all not updated yet.
but then, suddenly i saw hunterxhunter! 26!
long time never see hunterxhunter loh!
i very happy when i see this foreign cover!
hehe. so i buy and go home after i pay my overwhelmingly overwhelming bill.
i reach home and tear the wrapper apart.
i read.
and i'm lost...
since when killua granpa appear?
"hmm....better go up and check the previous copy for recap..." i think to myself.
i head to the attic, open my cupboard and spot it.
hunterxhunter. book 24.
i'm one book slow!
so today i made it a point to go buy book 25 from parkway. hunterxhunter very cheem cos got alot of words! i don't understand!
i very sad.
i just want to see fighting and ownage...
oh well. i explain to dong my predicament and he says he will help me.
then i feel happier.
but then i realise he's talking rubbish cos he can't figure out the pictures.
"nevermind, i read and you help me when i'm stuck"
this was not bad.
skip when many words, read when little words and more fighting, ask when dunno.
so i was reading aloud at the bus stop to dong so he could fill in my little bit of missing/wrong words. i was enjoying the story's progression, what with them imba grandpas appearing...
i read about how the granpas were jumping down to the castle and about how the baddies were not going to like these intruders.
my voice and pinyin and tone and everything was just flat though. i was probably a terrible read.
eh. i am definitely a terrible reader.
last time wei lao shi say i sound like i am nianing jing.
so when i reach this exciting bit...or the bit just before them exciting bits, i cut my monotony and go "oh yeaaaaaa~~~~" with real gusto and excitement.
and then dong broke into a frenzied laughter.
i laughed along cos he seemed so tickled it was amusing. and then i asked him, "what?".
just now behind me got one auntie listening to me and she also laughted at my "oh yeaaaaaa~~~~"
doh. i went hysterical too.
and then i went red.
and then i say i dun wan to read anymore. dong still chuckling.
and then i carry on reading.
haha. really very exciting i'm telling you.
they going to thrash them le...
came back to play monsters.
think i'll go bathe and then read somemore...hehe.



my chinese

went pizza hut with the motarboys earlier this week.
haha. halfway through i decided to turn on chinese mode.
drove them crazy.
they insist my chinese is lousy.
and well, it is. but i like. very fun to talk chinese sometimes.
talk knowing that others will know waht you're saying. very fun.
where's my cheese burger? i miss cheese burger...



watch finish nodame recently in camp.
very nice.
i like very much. the characters very cool. and nicely defined.
and the mo qi very nice.
hehe. ahhhh i feel like watching again...



i got say before that i would like to watch oasis live.
and this sun i'm gonna do just taht!
going to watch with dad i think...provided he can make it.
hope he enjoys it.
and i also hope they play the songs that i like...
a nice mix of zhjazhjazhja, acoustic bits and slow numbers will make me happy..
maybe they will sell oasis shirts!


a tribute.

starlight star bright,
first star i see tonight,
i wish i may,
i wish i might,
have the wish i wish tonight.

starlight star bright,
next week i'll take my flight,
i'll go to train,
i'll go to fight,
i'll go to eat them roadside bites....

shangHIGH NOON next thurs...


another one in the bag

completed dead space recently.
until the end, not bad. despite my break from the game because of mgs4(ahhhh.....)
gameplay was good. story was engaging and the twist was COOl!
so sad the ending... :(
left me shaken for a while. haha.
wish that they would continue the stroy.


made in mama.

i think i'm the worst dressed guy i know.
i have no fashion sense.
i don't know if i have any grooming. i think not. what i wake up with is what i am for the rest of the day. ceterus paribus(eh?).
heck. i have a silly face.
i am a joke.
but hey, if somebody's got to be the ugly kidd, why not me?
at least i have nice ankles. and i have dimples. ha.


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