Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



i'm gonna talk like the don

ks tay is amazing.
he gets inhuman results for a levels,
plays soccer well,
and speaks at least 6 different tongues...
6. yes 6. count them if you don't believe me.
english, chinese, malay, hokkien, korean, italian.
6 in all.

finally watched Part 1 of the Godfather, and i must say it deserves all the acclaim that it gets.
splendid. despite being an old film, it still can compete with(and beat) many of the films of today. i liked the way the characters were developed throughout the long show, and also(of course, how can i forget this..), the cinematography.
like the scene where paulie(i think that's his name) is see the wheat field thing, the side of the car and the statue of liberty in the angle.
or at the last bit during the baptism when michael becomes godfather and at the same time, the other families are being bumped he renounces satan and at the time kills...powah.
only problem though, is that at certain points in the film, the characters would speak in italian and i would have no idea what they were talking about. no subtitles. that's why i say it's amazing how ks tay can even understand italian...

interesting to note,
absolute power corrupts absolutely?
absolute power reveals absolutely.

corruption is innate(...and absolute). power just reveals it.

looking forward to the other 2 parts..



changes changes changes

i need a haircut.

didn't watch the Godfather today cos i was suddenly called away from home to provide support for ebs.
no matter though. tomorrow i end skool early too. : )
watched some recorded korean drama instead. i realise that in all the korean shows i've seen, there is always a loser. i think i fit that role quite well. haha.
also saw scrubs today. funny episode, and at the same time one of the more interesting ones too; characters a bit deeper today(not sure if can call it 'development though'.

just received the terrible news that IT has been delayed!
gonna take another 5-7 days! oh bother!
but still, even if it takes thus long, i WILL WAIT.

didn't climb too. haiii...apparently today don't have. i think they busy with teengames ba. hehe.




yesterday we had a dinner for mr ong at lcc's house.
think: beefballs, garlic crab, and FROZEN longans...mmmm
mel was sweaty at one point,
and we combed his hair back,
and...guess who he looked like?
the godfather!
haha, regret not taking a picture. that boy was very happy yesterday.
and we watched another eastwood film.
and we ended quite late.
but no matter, it was all a-ok.
that is...until i came home.
was pretty tired.
reached home, locked the gate, took of my sandals, went in.
and then i realised it.
saw it the moment i entered through the door.

no good-bye, no NOTHING!
uncle william took away the ps!
(it was his to begin with, BUT STILL....)

...and i spent so little time with you...
so, until we meet again, farewell my sweet.


back to skool

i had a tummy ache today during the second recess.
think it was due to eating the spicy food on an over-empty(haha, "over-empty") stomach. i figured it would all be better if i just had some cheezels from the snack vending machine, so i went to buy two packets after changing my note into shillings.
turns out i was right; it worked.
felt like eating one more packet of cheezels just to make sure that it doesn't work up again.
put in my coins.
packet got stuck between the shelf and the glass screen.
quite a funny sight, made a mistake not taking a picture of it.
in the end, forced to buy another packet so it would drop for me to collect it.
haha. no tummy aches for the rest of the day.

thinking about it, my stomach was empty only cos i didn't eat during the previous recess.
and...i didn't eat beacause... i was busy browsing titles at video ezy mjc branch.
added a few more titles to my list of shows-to-watch, and, feeling somewhat curious as to how many movies i'd seen thus far, also made a list of the shows seen this year.
apparently i average more than 6 shows a month!
wahaha. i love the library. it rocks.

lit was crazy today too. we did a "dramatic representation of an extract from The Glass Menagerie". basically means...act.
and thanks to smart me, we used 'black or white' to decide who would play tom (who had the most lines).
...and i got the part!
the scene was supposed to be some kind of climax sort of bit with lots of tension and conflict between the characters...but we ended up laughing more than anything else.
sigh. i turned a tragedy into a comedy, and it wasn't really intentional even.
cannot make it actor. lol, what has all my watching amounted to!?

oh well.
kuan sen lent me Part 1 of the Godfather(although it turns out i actually already have all 3 parts. oops.)
hehe, i end skool early tomorrow.:D
i think at this rate, that average still has ways to go man.
and and and, tomorrow can go and climb too!
and and and! IT'S gonna arrive soon!




just saw teenage mutant ninja turtles.
heh, turned out as i expected it to be: simple and light-hearted.
nothing exceptional, but an entertaining film nonetheless.
animation was smooth and jokes were quite funny.
i'm glad it didn't spoil any memories of what i saw in the past. one of my childhood cartoons, i liked michaelangelo the most cos he's such a cool dude.

thinking about my growing up, i've come to realise that there was no way to determine how i(or anyone else) would eventually turn out. meaning, my parents were definitely unable to control or decide what kind of person i would become as i developed. the things that i like, my personality, my perspective towards things, my strengths and weaknesses, all these, although affected by how i was raised, could not have been planned by my folks.
waht's my point?
bob has said before that if he ever had a kid, one of the things he'd teach him is to skateboard.
that would be cool. to have a son that liked the same things that you like. kind of like a junior you. it would be great if had a son taht liked soccer and climbing and movies and books and comics and drawing and whatnots.
but then again, i can't control that.
all i can actually do is expose him to the things that i like.
heh, for all you know, i may end up having a daughter that likes golf and soap operas and studying and staying put.
that would be real funny.
of course. i may not even have a kid in the first place. then all this would just remain as mere musings.


Coming soon...

here i am, sitting, being eaten alive by mosquitoes.
been up to photoshop nonsense again.
so engrossed in what i'm doing i apparently suppressed my stomach juices.
haven't eaten, but forgot that i'm hungry.
here's my new poster.



that familiar feeling...

physics paper today.
a pass is not a problem. in fact even a c shouldn't be too hard
....or so says li yu.
as for me?
forget the reasons. that's not the issue.
two more papers and that's it.
a sandwich would be a nice way to end things off.

just gave the ibook away. i think is 'gave'. don't know if it's gonna come back but it's ok if it doesn't.
just hope nobody at home asks me about it.

went to the wake just now.
they seem fine. i can only wonder. personally i don't know how it feels and sometimes...i don't know lah.
there's a time and place for everything i guess.



The Death of Sniper Wolf

another memorable scene...
like a movie lidat.... spectacular. that's why i say this game ROCKS.
watching this...has made mgs's(the ps version mind you) sound track number one on my most wanted list...
the only place i can hope to find it is japan i think...or maybe the states.


The Death of Gray Fox :,,(

my MOST favorite mgs character...along with solid snake...and vulcan raven...and liquid snake...arrr can't decide who's the coolest.
anyway, this is one of the most memorable scenes in the game(deaths scenes always are)
watching this....MAKES ME WANT TO PLAY!!



haha, gotta love those servbots....
so cute.
ehhhh feel like playing sia..


the gray box of fun

slept through the whole of yesterday. 15 hours.
apparently while i was sleeping someone brought over a playstation. san ku ku i think.
and it was just sat that me and the ball were talking about old games that we feel like playing.
obviously mgs was a game that i said i felt like playing.
we both feel like playing megaman legends also(heard it's coming out on the ds, but it'll be in jap...). and megaman legends2 (think this is out on the jap) . and the misadventures of tron bonne(haha, dunno where to find this).
well, the ps is now sitting downstairs. maybe i'll play some old games on it if it's still there by friday.
thinking bisha bashi champion, incredible crisis, and tron ni kobun in jap....


ernestschisms (what that means, i'm not entirely sure)

Mr Ong passed away yesterday morning.
will go down to the wake this week. i got block test but i don't care.
"death smiles at us all. all a man can do is smile back"..?
what's there to smile about!? death is not, never was and never will be natural.
yet so many people treat it like something that is "just like that".
go down to the wake. see the boy. see the family.
won't appear more sad than i actually am. won't talk more than i need to.

i find it funny that sometimes we act like we don't want people to care about us when we actually want them to.
kinda like in msn when i put a nick that says something along the line of "go away" or "leave me be and let me die". i mean, if i really don't want people to care, i won't even bother going online ah, let alone putting a nick that will catch other's attention and prompt them to ask me what's wrong....just so i can say "nothing", or "none of your business" so that they will be prompted to probe me even more.
haha. maybe this is just a way i fill up an emptiness inside myself.
to attract attention hoping someone will bother enough to ask.
sometimes people try to poke me into being more interested in something than i actually am. i say poke because they don't do it blatantly, kinda like they try and lead me on to conclude something.
it's fun to purposely evade them and act like their plan failed. if you wanna say something, SAY IT. don't do an iago on me.
....i realise i'm also guilty of that. haha.

sometimes when a problem exists, and everybody is aware that it exists, the solution is not with knowing what to do, it's with doing it. having the courage and determination to do something, something i've yet to learn apparently.

not sure if my appetite is back yet. still not really eating well. see how loh, maybe it's just a phase that will pass eventually. hmm.



found some treasures

watched samurai fiction yesterday. haha, entertaining show. courtesy of video ezy mj branch.
simple story with funny characters. i thought it was gonna be some serious show. dead wrong.
interesting filming. his use of colour at certain points and the music....
basically is a good ol' skllled samurai gives up killing kind of movie.
the main actress was pretty too. heh. i like the way she wore her hair.
then after that i saw scrubs on cable. lol, another funny show. i'm beginning to like it more and more.
oh dear i hope it doesn't develop into an addiction...shouldn't ba.
mom's hooked on goong now.
what a joke. i suggested that she might like the show, so dad went to get the series one day ( can thank yahoo auctions for that).
then mom says that she should not be sleeping late cos it's gonna affect her work.
so dad says ok, one episode at a time...sure. like that's ever gonna happen.
first time mom watches, it's 3 episodes straight. 1 disc. 3 hours of korean drama. slept around 1 or 2 plus.
so much for moderation. haii. and it's gonna be like this til she finishes the series i reckon.
apparently dad bought another 2 jap dramas off yahoo...
lol, it's endless.

been clearing the study. i love spring cleaning. makes me feel much better.
i'm not done yet though. only moved stuff here and there.
i really should be getting to work now...



boku no nakama ^_^

cham cham just left.
didn't really do much. chat a bit here and there, talk some nonsense, talk some stuff.

i tompanged him home from eastpoint after we ate ljs there(we were hungry and he say he dun want to stay for dinner...dunno lah him), but it wasn't easy...and he made alot of noise. quite a funny sight lah i think.
i bought florida's natural nuggets again(it's become my favorite sweet recently, just that abit pricey)
maybe tomorrow we make sandwich.

he introed me to some anime he's been watching but okok lah, nit really my type of show i guess.
think i'm more suited to more boyish stuff. today in 5-2 it's called, the no real story, just random episodes kinda anime. dun mind lah, but if i were to foloow then wouldn't really be this type.

then we played ps2.
played tekken and gran turismo 3. tekken got a bit boring so didn't play much. we raced instead on gt3. lol hilarious at some points.
i think this just shows taht it's not so much the game taht's important but rather the people that you play with.
we were quite evenly matched. sometimes i win, sometimes he won.

last match he left me laughing my head off and driving into a wall(..i lost lah without a doubt)

cc: aiyah you so easily laugh(i was already laughing at some previouis joke). i say donkey without legs also you confirm laugh loh..


cc: wah you really laugh ah? you know what is my worst nightmare? if i become like clement?

me: (in my head: DIAO!!!) (rofclol..i started tearing at this point in time, and my stomach was hurting, so i didn't respond)

cc: really lah, that guy so lame, is my nightmare to become like him lah...aiyah i think don't race already lah. u lose liao.

me: you know what is my worst nightmare? become like chen lao shi.

his turn to laugh...but i already lost. was left lying on the floor...regaining my composure.

enough fun. thanks ah my good nakama.
time to start work!
('s finally time..may be too late for the block test, but i might make it in time for the A's...)
fist, i shall begin with my room cleaning ritual!


maybe i'll perm my hair

teengames soccer is finally over.
totally pooped.
i got a mhad team with a coach(he's the dad of one of the players)
so sharing was quite a sticky issue, but in the end managed to get some points across i think(i hope).
all the officials have gotten a golden tan(or rather they're all burnt), and so did the managers.
haha, so easy to become darker. just 12 hours in the sun non-stop and voila!
add another 12 hours and maybe you can get an additional skin cancer condition to go along with it. for the real extreme, one more 12 hour boost and you'd probably be going home with cataract too.
anyway, clementi won faith acts(yay) 5-4 on penalties. the score at the final whistle was 1-1. both goals were spectacular, but i didn't manage to record either of them :(
haii. watching them play over the 2 competition days makes me want to play too.
however, it is funny to note how in the end, even in a competition organised by christians, the mhads are the ones who dominate(from the semis onwards, more or less all the players on the pitch were malays).
heh, according to bob it's genetic or something, kinda like how he attributes the skill in some players to the brazillian blood that flows(but doesn't actually) through their veins.
AND and, i saw this other cool mhad kid with a stylo hairdo that i'm gonna don someday. curly curly one his hair. i took one or two photos so can show hair dresser next time, haha.
maybe i'll get hair like taht after my exams or when i'm in the U(kinda assuming i'll get in here)
if not then maybe i'll give me an afro head, yeaaa afro cool man.
cham cham coming over later to hang out or something. he also got no dinner at home so he's eating at my place.
time to go pick him



slowly slowly

something's wrong with me recently. i don't really know what's bugging me, but just haven't been high in my spirits. kinda feel a sense of lost-ness, disorientation or something.
haven't been eating well or sleeping well either. hmm it's kinda of getting on my nerves.
sometimes it feels like got a lot of energy or feel very restless. other times just feel like sitting and doing nothing.
might be because got alot of things on my mind and then nothing has been done or nothing is really moving, then as a result i get frustrated.
i may just be bothered by some of the things taht i need to do. maybe it's a reality that i'm not quite enjoying that's poking me.
not that i'm supposed to be enjoying it, but maybe ...i also don't know.
thing aren't being made any easier by the people around me, in fact they are making it more defficult and sometimes more unbearable. that's probably it...
things i need to do and people related to them.
still i don't know what exactly i can do to work through this. feeling kinda tired right now. tired of alot of things.
need to take this one step at a time i guess.
haiii, slowly slowly step by step huh?




before i saw letters on sat, i decided to get a taste of eastwood by watching one of his earlier films.
so i went down to video ezy(mjc branch) to borrow mystic river.
came back on thurs and watched it. after seeing letters, i conclude that eastwood films make you sad.
i saw million dollar baby the last time and that show was sad too.
however, while mystic river had a much higher level of tension throughout the show, letters was far from exciting.
i'm not saying it was boring, it wasn't. it was more like schindler's list. more sit down quietly and frown kinda show.
very engaging. well-directed. i'm glad i managed to catch the show(my resolve was tested in the process though)
interesting how he showed the different ways ti look at things like the war, the americans and the japanese...
now i want the soundtrack of the movie.
but i don't know how to get it without paying.
quite a couple of soundtracks i want at the moment...everytime after i watch a show i always want some of the piecess that i heard during the show.
on my list now.
1. cinderella man.
2. road to perdition.
3. mystic river.
4. letters from iwo jima.
5. beyond the clouds.
6. the godfather.
7. shrek.

time to head down to hmv(mjc branch) to see if they got any of the above(althuogh i doubt they do..not so well stocked on music apparently)



my utterly pointless entry before i go to sleep.

based on my completely sporadic and biased analysis,
i have identified a few key factors that will make a movie's title sound cool.

1. titles that have a sense of finality in them always sound cool.
e.g. the LAST samurai, a FAREWELL to arms, to END all wars...etc

2. one word titles usually sound cool
e.g. shrek, rocky, rambo, unforgiven...etc

3. titles with cheem three-syllable words that also sound cool in chinese usually sound cool.
e.g. di-ver-gence, e-lect-ion, pro-te-ge, in-fer-nal affairs....etc

4. titles with a sense of eternity in them always sound cool.
e.g. road to PERDITION, EVERLASTING regret, finding NEVERland...etc

5. titles that talk about something sad usually sound cool
e.g. confession of pain, tears of the sun...etc

6. titles that sound like they are(or actually are) taken right out of a poem always sound cool
e.g. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, spring, summer, fall, winter...and spring, memories of a nobody...etc

7. titles that have an idea of dancing in them makes the movie sound stylish
e.g. one last dance, endless waltz, dances with wolves...etc

8. titles that have a regal air about it makes the movie sound epic.
e.g. empire of the sun, the return of the king, the last king of scotland...etc

9. titles of mob flicks ALWAYS sound cool
e.g. the untouchables, the godfather, the departed...etc

10. titles with the word 'day' in it usually sound cool
e.g. the remains of the day, 28 days later, the day after tomorrow...etc

so there. things that make a movie sound me.
and i want to eat salty popcorn.
can't wait...



the day approaches....

last thursday it rained.

last friday a level results released. alot of people i know did insanely well. but that doesn't mean that there aren't those who didn't do well. it rained on that day too. got caught in the rain.

sat went to recce sentosa(...私はホームに来た)
worked in pairs to get a feel for orienteering. i got paired up with li bao.
started raining when we reached sentosa. walked around in the rain.
went to watch mum and aunties perform in 新春歌舞唱会 at night.

dr barnard spoke on sunday. : D
pulpit was cool too.
hsing joo bought cake from choc a bloc(*salivates* she find one sia?)
then there was bridging games. talked with amanda. funny girl.
went out to play volleyball after that.
then it began to rain. played anyway.
had fun jumping into puddles and making a mess of myself.
dong came over at night to watch shrek in place of letters(but nevermind that, i'm watching letters by this week or my name's not ernest teh!)
he got to meet my crazy aunties and i got to read rae's journal in secret(she doesn't know...)
but wah her english good sia. better grammar than alot of my peers....
prolly one of those 4 A monsters when she goes to JC.
feeling abit sick at night...

monday, went to EH for staff meeting.
Alan Catchpoole on Skype!
waha, so cool...felt like starwars.
yu tang was not open. : (
met och in the evening(by which time i was snivelling bad and sneezing like a shotgun)
went to meet chinks after that with a fever and the shotgun sneezes.

tuesday. sick. no skool. go doctor. get mc. slept through the day.
feverish, nose was a leaking tap. hit a 3 sneeze combo with no intervals in between! (think ahhh......ahchoochoohoo)

wednesday. today.
felt terrible in the morning. wondered if a hangover felt like that. (if it did, then that's reason enough to avoid drinking)
condition stabilised eventually. just a mild headache.
went to school.
good news: no school on friday. yay.
bad news: make up chem test for absentees yesterday...swell...

reality check 1.
tomorrow is the last day of school for the term!

reality check 2.
A'levels is another 6 months or so away.
i'm doomed.


wasted shell

i figure i will have a lot of health problems when i grow old.

here are 10 ailments i think i will suffer from by the time i'm 60(provided i'm still alive of course)

1. Rheumatism(in my legs)
2. Arthritis(in my legs)
3. Tendonitis(in my feet and hands)
4. High Cholestrol
5. Back Aches
6. Partial deafness
7. Obesity
8. Diabetes
9. Kidney failure
10. Stomach ulcer


10 things i will probably never get to do

1. Touch the sand of a pyramid.
2. Take pictures of the north pole.
3. Cycle across an international border.
4. Watch a football match in europe.
5. See the aurora lights.
6. Hand glide off a cliff.
7. Scale a mountain.
8. Walk from one end of the forbidden city to the other.
9. Free climb a route that lets you fall into the sea.
10. Go skydiving.

there is a SLIGHT possibility that i MIGHT be able to do one or two of these before i die.
if not, then these will remain merely as the dreams that they are.


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