Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



hagane no renkinjutsushi

full metal alchemist..... is very addictive.... i..... cannot.... stop.... i cannot stop i cannot stop i cannot stop I MUST STOP


tmr got boulderactive. i need to be stronger la. :( this seems to have remained unchanged since forever. strength is something i want but have never really worked towards. i hope to work towards becoming stronger. need discipline. haiz



like a nice blanket on a cold rainy day

i like company the right kind of company of course. a comfortable kind of company. where i can be myself can do what i want and not feel pressured to do otherwise. where i can be comfortable just being there. don't have to do activities to entertain or occupy the other party or even be concerned about occupying the other party don't have to be scared of boring the person i can do my own thing even and it's cool also. nice eh?



hmmm? the layout of blogger changed ah? gotta get used to this. anyway, i'm writing this on the mac book air inside my parents room with the door locked. i scared that i am not alone at home. i scared that there is someone else here in this house. :( so paranoid. gah ok u punk. if you're real and u appear, i will put in all my effort to beat you. not for justice's sake but to get back at u for making me feel this way. i will vent my anger on you. catharsis. better not have anybody here... :s today got unchartered 3. i am sad that closure and warp have not made it to psn. doh. lousy network! and as i type my wrist hurts.


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