Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



2 things

i think there are 2 things i do well.
today i just realised it.


seems like ns hasn't really slowed me down...

i'm still clocking an average of at least 5 shows a month!


for the record

let me say that i saw the dark knight again for the third time.
just for the record.
....uh... yea.



and....comed on. :)

so i saw the dark knight. again. 4 hours ago.
and it was awesome. again.
really really, one of the best shows i've seen. as in like, instant top 10. heck, i dare even say that it's number 1 now. extremely engaging. even though see for the second time. even though tired. my mind was working all through the show..still.

Nolan did a *superb* job.
plot. pacing. cinematography. music score. direction. characterization. depth. tone. action sequences. script.
HECK. the only thing wrong is that it was too short!
haha. nah. even the duration was just nice.

maybe the only complaint i have is that, at times, the story moved so fast that i couldn't catch what was happening immediately(which is usually the case for most nolan shows anyway...)but that complaint is only valid cos my brain not fast enough. anyway this is what a movie should be like.

really need time to pen down reflections about the show. lots of things to evaluate.
want to look at some of the ideas again to sharpen my own thinking in understanding the flaws in those thoughts.

anyway, now that i've seen the show again. and enjoyed it again.
i'm convinced that i really need to see it again again. to enjoy it again again...and again.

i'm convinced that i *need* to buy the dvd.

(my brithday 17 nov...)



come on....

so i saw the dark night 2 weeks ago.
it was awesome.
really, one of the best shows i've seen. haven't seen such a good show in a long time. extremely engaging.
and so i tried to watch again last week. but i couldn't.
so i wanted to watch today. but i can't so i'll try and watch tomorrow.
let's see how it goes.
Nolan did a great job. good plot with all the twists you'd expect from the prestige man, putting lots of messages and ideas within the show itself, but blending it all seamlessly with tight direction and imba characterization. beauiful.
it was kindof like watching philosphy at some points in time.
i hope to write abit about the ideas in the show.
but first i wanna see the show again.


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