Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



once upon a time in st hildas

a long time ago, this silly old man was a primary skool kid.
and this primary skool kid had dreams and aspirations and high hopes for his future..
so once, after this primary skool kid's p2 exam, his teacher decided to play a game with the class.
it went like this, you started off with a word and the next person had to continue on with a word that starts with the last alphabet of the last word.
simple right?
so it went on and on from student to student and this kid was thinking, "alright! easy game! these idiots are going to lose for sure!"
and then it came to his turn.
the previous word was elephant, so 't' being the last alphabet, this kid simply said the word 'toon', like cartoon kind of toon?
and the teacher said...."tune, you mean t-u-n-e? ok..."
and then this boy says "no, toon as in cartoon toon..."
and the teacher said, "what word is that? you mean tune la."
and the boy says "no, i mean toon, t-o-o-n"
and the teacher says "erh...(now she doesn't want to fuss and waste time)i don't think so then, if is tune then i know but toon i think cannot, alright nevermind, your time's up, SO NEXT!"
and the boy is like "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is such a word la! (turns to friend beside) you know got such word right!??!"
and the random kid sitting beside this boy says, "er...not sure leh.."
what the heck man. once again brilliance is snuffed out by overwhelming STUPIDITY!
haiz. there went my future.
all my dreams dashed. i could've gone on to be a super scientistic astronautical doctor of philosphy of linguisticish latin literature.
but my teacher didn't believe in me.
they all thought i was silly, that i was crazy...they all just didn't realise that i had the potential....
doh. guess i'll just have to live a normal life then...



ign is somehow down down down.....
faster come up leh...



some fiend broke into my room and wrecked my sunflower!
stoopid blutack didn't hold!
should have put up some better security man....
now there's a hole at the bottom of the painting... :(


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