Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



of credits, conversations, comments and cinemas.

i've not sat through an entire credits roll for a long time.
seems nobody sits through the credits.
the past few shows i watched were all with friends, and nobody stayed to watch the end credits.
once the film ends, everybody just naturally gets up out of their seats and makes their way for the exits. not knowing that actually, deep in my heart..i don't want to go yet...i want to see the credits...
so i was glad when just now i could sit by myself and watch right to the real real real end of the show even if the cinema was empty because i knew nobody would bother me and hurry me out of the place.
i'm also glad that i could watch a show and hear the dialogue clearly. with no bothersome conversations and comments on the side that i often have to endure in camp.
pisses me off.
i don't like ppl to talk when i'm watching a show and i don't like to talk to ppl when they are watching shows...
i don't like to do anything when i'm watching a show and i don't like ppl to do anything when i'm watching a show.
so please, my friends, don't bother me.


200602   200603   200604   200605   200606   200607   200608   200609   200610   200611   200612   200701   200702   200703   200704   200705   200706   200707   200708   200709   200710   200711   200712   200801   200803   200805   200806   200807   200808   200810   200811   200812   200901   200902   200904   200905   200906   200907   200908   200909   200910   200912   201002   201003   201007   201008   201009   201010   201011   201012   201101   201102   201104   201105   201106   201108   201109   201110   201111   201112   201203   201204   201205   201211   201302  

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