this is the first entry in this web log. if you are the sort who is easily bored and have the shortest of attention spans please do not bother to read any entry. as this completely uninspiring intro shows, i am boring. at least i think i am. generally i look at others and they look at me and i wonder why they are so caught up with all those silly pursuits of theirs...and they look at me and wonder what on earth interests me. arrrr i am writing rubbish again. trying to sound cheem and ending up not. maybe it's some mechanism of mine to want to make myself seem as complicating as possible so that there will always be an air of mystery about me that i hope others will be fascinated by. oop, you've just witnessed it, random ramblings from me. the entries following this will probably be like this one. random. boring. maybe once in awhile something worth reading wil pop up. maybe not. wow, i sure started off with a bang.