Dr Norman Barnard spoke yesterday. he's hilarious, despite his age. sometimes he says things that are totally irrelevant, but they are funny anyhow. through the sermon i wonder whether that was an example of us holding old, experienced, ang mohs with higher regard than a local with similar content but different delivery, but that's someting to be talked at about another time. he helped to make things clearer as i was thinking recently. he reminded us(or me at the least) that my authority was the first commandment, folowed by the second and that the second would be evidence of the first. I.E. love the lord your god with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as you would yourself. if i put this into perspective, then i have far less chances to say that i have too little time and too many things to do. because the truth is, the too many things to do are actually things that I want to do for myself, and that would mean that i would have to neglect doing things for others. when actually, i should be concerning myself with doing things for the benfit of others, and making my wants and myself secondary. That's humility. that means that i often have to do what i don't want to.
which is how things were meant to be. meaning, that i need to go to school, even if i don't want to, to study even if i don't want to, to do well, even if i don't want to, for the sake of my parents. scrap the idea of becoming a farmer for now, because though i may probably enjoy such a life more than the kind of life i may lead if i continue on the current path, it would not be very considerate for my parents. it's quite selfish in fact. so for now that's what i'll keep in mind...