i wanna do some radical things. like really crazy stuff. rainer is my hero man. he JUMPED from my balcony, AND broke the fall by rolling. TOO cool. somethings in my head are like kayaking in a canal while it is raining heavily, or drinking vanilla coke at bedok reservoir under the moon in the middle of the night, or making some bomb thing with sparklers, or disappearing from society, or cycling to jurong then sleep on the street then swim. whoa that'll be cool. of course, i'll need company. last time i went with kukaracha we cycled to marina bay. first we ate prata at sempang bedok at 3 in the morning. then we left. at 4 geylang serai WAS FILLED WITH CARS. totally cannot pass. i think it was hari raya or something. then when we got to the highway, we chionged across. that was cool. for a break we stopped oppostie a hotel, some pacific something hotel. got 7-11, that amazing shop. then we go the hotel toilet. nature's cal. the hotel was huge and we wondered if can sleep there, really dun mind man. finally reach marina bay that time it was drizzling. actually drizzled throught eh night, but very light. the view was spectacular at night all the more with the rain. always been fascinated by rain. always will be i hope.so cool. ravi always quotes this guy. G.K chesterton i think. he said that part of God's infinity is seen in a child's propensity to exult in the monotonous. KEWL.
i like power quotes.
My name is gladiator. i am maximus decimus meridius. commander of the northern armies. general of the felix legion. loyal only to the true caeser marcus aurelius. father to a murdered son. husband to a murdered wife. and i SHALL have my vengeance whether IN THIS LIFE OR THE NEXT.
Mo Cuishle! MO Cuishle! MO CUISHLE!!
wah. hear only u want to fight. can win the world.
think i shall sleep on my roof tonight. extreme man.