10 most entertaining anime of all time( not in order)
1. Rurouni Kenshin(within the original story and DEFINITELY including the ovas)
2. Ninku
3. N.G.E
4. Trigun
5. Cowboy Bebop
6. The Second Raid
7. Hajime no Ippo
8. Bleach
9. Full Metal Alchemist
10. Slamdunk
10 best animated fight sequences in no order
1. Tsuiokuhen(BEST fights - this is definitely the first. hands down. the rest are undecided, but this wins all.i in my opinion lah.)
2. RK (shishio arc especially i.e tenken, saito, anji, shishio ..etc)
3. The Second Raid(can fight for second. never reuse frames)
4. Ninku (final kohjin bout excellent)
5. Trigun (many)
6. NGE (many, against the 10th angel and the asuka sequence in movie)
7. Shadow Skill(black wing and final fight)
8. Bleach(soul society arc especially i.e zaraki, bankai against byakuya, aizen bit)
9. IPPO (nvr reuse sequences)
10. Champloo (also nvr reuse)
10 most laughs in anime in order
1. Slamdunk
2. Ippo
3. P.O.T.
4. Trigun
5. Fumoffu
6. You're Under Arrest
7. Fushigi yuugi
8. RK
9. Galaxy Angels
10. FMA
fav Manga in order(originality, style, humour, drawing, story)
1.One Piece
10.shaman King