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humble people talk the most

today is my dad's birthday.
he is 51 now.
and he has still not gone back to church.
it has been 11 years since my parents last attended church regularly i think.
i was out today so did not get to spend much time with my dad, hopeully tomorrow can go out.
however yesterday i went for lunch with my dad cause i heard from him that my mom was not in a very good mood.
she had argued with ah ma again apparently, or tensions were high between them again...according to my dad, they have been at a 'cold war' for quite a while now over a couple of issues...
and then, to my surprise, before he dropped me and my bro off at church, after he had shared all that about my mom...he said to remember to pray for my mom!
now this left me thinking about 2 things.

1. why is it that my mom and ah ma would reach this state?
2. why would my dad see value in prayer?

for the first i think that the key problem is pride...the beginning of sin... both parties do not want to forgive nor ask for forgiveness. and not just in their relationship, but in many others, i think that it is pride that stops us from doing many things that not only are simple, but will make our relationships more enjoyable as well. a simple thing like saying sorry.
or like being willing to humble ourselves and risk being rejected to get to know people.
sigh, i myself also am guilty of this. a humble person talks very easily with others. i need to learn that.
then how about my dad?
that is something i have yet to find out...maybe it is superstitious, maybe it is because he really understands prayer in his mind, but again pride stops him from stepping forward. maybe he stills prays to God in his quite moments. i don't know. i think i also need to humble myself and start talking to my folks about church...
pls humble me...

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