Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



i like my clothes.

for the sake of people.
then and only then will i ever bother about my looks.
otherwise i don't see the whole point about wearing shoes, long pants, 'presentable shirts', combing my hair or what nots...all that stuff people insist on.
somethings are just not practical in singapore.
why wear clothes that make it so unbearably warm?
or why wear shoes when they are so cramped comapared to sandals or slippers or bare feet?
clothes cover you and are meant to be comfortable. that's all.
people who think they know all about you simply by looking at how you dress are shallow.
or when we dress to look like everyone else just to fit in, and feel so uncomfortable in the process.
i really don't see the point.
of course i also do not subscribe to the idea of 'beauty in chaos'. i believe that it is in order that beauty is seen, so there should be some rules to stick by, but that's it. we are free to dress as we wish.
that said, only if it means that students will find me more approachable will i ever dress contrary to my dress sense, or if in order to let parents know that i am 'normal' will i dress 'presentably'.
heh, this is me.

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