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the best is yet to come



part one of manga ethics: the imagination of geniuses

In this world, there are many geniuses.
some of whom are men and women with the ability to imagine new worlds in their head, to imagine people in that world, and to imagine stories revolving around those people with all the different dynamics of those worlds.
these are the story-tellers of our age.
there is great excitement to be found in those universes as the characters in them have their many adventures.
in order to experience maximum enjoyment from these peoples' stories, we must be able to imagine what they imagine.
the ultimate form of this would be to go into their head by connecting our brains with thiers. then, the characters would really come alive. their voices, mannerisms, movements, looks, and physics would all be perceived by us, the viewers.
however, this is not possible.
hence the next best alternative.
visual illustrations.
particularly, comics.
specifically, manga.

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