just thought that since i have read that book recently, i'd better make some special mention of it cos it's great book. one of the most captivating i've ever read.
remember this title.
i have yet to fully grasp the hidden messages packed throughout the story because it is beyond me at the moment. too complex for my brain for now.
but, at least the apparent story i can describe.
it's about an group of men who call themselves the central anarchist organization.
they are led by seven key members called the council of seven days.
each member is named after a day of the week.
it happens that thursday is a detective b desiring the destruction of the organization, and as he ventures into learning more about the other members, he learns some very shocking news about them.
very readable.
amazingly fresh language.
beautifully written.
surprising twists to the story.
deeply philosophical with much implicit messages.
a must read.
G.K. Chestorton.
much influence on Mr Lewis.