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the best is yet to come



wow.sad,but wow.

thoroughly depressing.
the one show i clearly remember derrick recommending is the pianist.
i finally borrowed the vcd from lcc a while ago but never came around to watch it cos i was hoping that i could watch it with my dad. but he hates holocaust/war shows that usually are depressing(think life is beautiful or ur usual saving private ryan/blackhawk down..etc) genrally he doesn't like feel-bad movies.
which is exactly what the pianist is.
granted. it is a well directed and SUPERBLY acted show(well done to adrien brody)
but really, most of the show leaves you sadddened knowing that this was the horror and hopelessness of the war. only until the lsat part is there a glimmer of hope for our protagonist.
but seeing how these are based on the memoirs of szpilman, i think it is amazing to note how he was preserved through the whole nightmare.
on so many accounts did he just scrape past death, with most of them seeming like it was all just pure coincidence...
only at the end does he come one on one with the S.S. officer, and yet he still lives...
our life is not our own...want to die also cannot, how we live and how we die is all in God's hands.
now that i think about it, when the officer said, "don't thank me, thank God, he wants us to survive..", there was a lot of truth in that. God could've let Hitler just keep ruling the whole of Europe and keep the world in terror, but He didn't. He could've let the world bring about it's own demise, but he intervened, and will do so until the final judegement.
cool show.

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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