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manga ethics part 3: say 'no' to spoilers

sigh, the contoversial issue...
anyone who has spoken to me personally about this will know that i am not very fond of scanlations.
meaning, i do not particularly approve of going to the net and downloading the latest chapter of manga in english and reading it without paying a cent.
cos it's in english. or maybe german, or spanish, or some other western language...but the author never had that in mind, he wrote in japanese, thought in japanese. by scanlating, other people would interpret what he meant at times and then translate it into their language.
while i approve of the fact that people are spreading the series, i still feel that the original language is best, with languages closer to it as better alternatives. like chinese.
of course i am not out of this because i cannot read japanese, so i'll have to settle for chinese, and really i am basically reading printed scanlations, but i think i am at least reading something legalised.
maybe i am jealous that people are getting what took me so hard to get by saving and waiting for publishing and ending up lagging alot anyhow. maybe i am. but i believe in the tradition of comics and books, manga was meant to be held in your hands, to be brought around, not to be read off a mere computer screen. depending on electricity to read it...when comics are available to you, buy them, that's why they are published. buy and share them. say no to scanlations.
what's worse?
when people read scanlations and know the latest progress of the story, they go about and tell others who read the slower published manga about what has happened, spoiling the story, often against the will of the victim.
if u want to know, and can't wait, go ahead and read scanlations at the cost of your honour, but don't go and spoil it for the rest of us who wish to follow the natural course of things, and feel the joy of experiencing progressive revelation.
ummm, my thoughts are a bit disjointed, maybe i lazy to think to transfer to screen cos of the bad experiencs i had in the past...
but anyway, this wraps up the third and final part of this series on manga ethics.
thanks to anybody to bothered to read these articles.

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