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the best is yet to come




how often, i wonder, am i honestly interested in knowing a person?
not merely knowing about a person,( though sometimes i doubt if i even reach that) but actually knowing a person.
interested in being involved in his life, not because of anything else but love. the love of wanting to help that person because i can, to share with him the new life that you enjoy. the assurance you have in Christ.
ofetn i think i get to know people only because i am required to do so, or because it will be favourable for me in some way, or because i feel good doing so. it's so selfish. so unlike real love. so unlike a real relationship. a proper relationship.
i think i'm a loner. i'm content just being by myself, minding my own business in my own little world, apart from society. which really just does not help at all.
Mr Lewis has mentioned before that regardless of how we feel, we should act in love. because we know it is the right thing to do. that that is what it means to "put on Christ". to imitate Him, at least on the outside out of a desire to obey God.
(note:these are things i remember,pls forgive me and let me know if i have quoted him wrongly so i can make amendments)
do i make use of the opportunities i have to be part of another's life?
i think not.
i think i should.
i pray i can.
i need to start being real to people.

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
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