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why i am a karang guni

actually i am not really a karang guni(obviously), but i do not like throwing things away.
i believe that everything can be used for something. whether to fulfil it's original purpose or as an improvisation for something else, i believe everything (or most things at least) can be used gainfuly for SOMETHING.
this is probably due to the fact that when i was younger i was fascinated with shows that featured gadgets, whether real or fake, cartoon or live-action. they just fascinated me.
especially those james bond-esque seems-like-something-but-is-actually-something-else kind of gizmos. i always like the smart, speccy, inventor guy in shows...donatello in teenage mutant ninja turtles, billy in power rangers are the few that i can clearly remeber....
so in this, i've come to think of ways to improvise most things i come into contact with, occupying myself with them in one way or another, causing me to see value in things
this makes me unwilling to throw them away when they can still be used for so much more...
also i was taught when i was very young about sentiment(was my birthday i think, i ought to write about this sometime...keyword:zoids).
i began attaching things with much sentimental value, understanding that whiie a gift may not really appeal to me, when someone BOTHERED to buy it, it meant that there was affection in buying the gift, and someone actually cared enough to buy me something. however true this is, from my point of view, it meant much to me..that i bothered to someone.
so i really dislike showing disrespect for someone's gifts to me, i will try to keep things that people tried hard to get for me, or that people thought hard about when getting for me, throwing even less things away, taking up even more storage space over the years...
lastly, i saw a show a long time ago about how things gained in value after they were kept for a long time...was from then on that i decided that i will keep all my toys so that when i am 70 i can sell them at exuberant prices and really gain from keeping all the treasure that nobody else bothered to.
that accounts for most of my toys over the years still being around, and also the recent ones that i bought without opening....
this is why i am not a discarder

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