Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




it's been a while since we last had a proper conversation, heck, since we last talked (in my opinion) normally, un-reserved, as friends.
it all started last year i think, when my promo results were released and it's implications on me were confirmed.
we ate dinner together and then he talked to me about certain things, things that i still remember(it's written somewhere i can always refer to..).
but since then, i feel as if he has been rather cold towards me, as if even when i talk to him or say "hi", not that he doesn't respond, but there is this air of distance between us...
i don't really know why, or what he thinks, but i don't really want to speculate.
i trust he has his reasons if it really is so(maybe i'm just imagining things), and i am inclined to think them reasonable and biblical...
i think that if ever the time was right things will open up.
or if ever there are pressing issues that need to be addressed, word will reach my ear, whether from himself directly or conveyed by someone else under his prompting.
in the mean time, i need to get my act together...

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