Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



ever wondered why i supported czech?

everybody is revealing things about themselves everyday whether we notice it or not.
i am very sure i do it too.
sometimes unknowingly(i wouldn't know when cos if i did then it wouldn't be unknowingly, like it could be now but then i wouldn't know if i am, or what i'm revealing if indeed i am revealing), sometimes purposely.
it could be the things we do. it could be the things we say. it could be the shoes we buy. the things we wear. the things we are seen doing. the choices that we make.
sometimes it's VERY obvious. like when we do something very unlike our usual behaviours...what could it suggest?
sometimes(those subconscious things especially), we reveal things about ourselves that we didnt know we are revealing, and that others only on further contemplation and sometimes with additional info begin to realize actually shows something about us.
this could be very trivial things, but it could also be things that are quite essential to our characters, however subtle the hints may be.
it's like, why is it that out of ALL the shoes in a shop within our budget, we choose ONE particular pair? what is it about that pair that made us buy it? maybe this is over-speculation, but i think even the type of shoes or shirts that i like reveal things about myself.
people may be quick to pick those out, or they may not.

you can know alot about someone, but you may not actually know that person.
like a subject in school, facts about people can be remembered, but the person and what he is really like, we may not really grasp.
or if we think we've grasped that person, how do we know that that is really what he is like?
how well do i actually know people?
how well do people actually know me?

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