Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



haha. or how about "approaching circularity"?

came home yesterday, ate leftover pork with bread.,
watched abit of the condor heroes.
then dozed off at 6.
woke up this morning at 7...
(obviously suffering from world-cup withdrawal sypmtoms)
left for school.
discovered, albeit too lately, that i had left home with only one sock.
"great" i thought to myself...."i have p.e. later.."
decided to ditch the socks all together and go sockless for the day.
played soccer for p.e., and it been confirmed as a matter of fact, that i have absolutely NO touch for the beautiful game.
i need a haircut.
maybe i should cut my own hair. hahaaa, remebered how it turned out for bob...that was hilarious...
oh yes, and having left for school promptly after waking up also means that i have not bathed since after the finals. not that i am really that dirty or anything...
ah well, apart from the many unpleasant things that have happened today, i am proud to have arrived at a new description for my younger brother!
he is
"excessively spherical"

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