yes it's true.
i look forward to my marriage.
dong shares similar sentiments.
in fact, i already have an idea of what my wife will be like, and i am awaiting the day when we finally meet.
she will be slim and slender...very elegant.
dark, but with a flawless complexion.
she won't speak much usually...calm and type of girl...
i think that we will definitely feel like strangers at first, but with time i think i will know her like the back of my hand.
and we'll eventually discover that we were made for each other.
she'll be hardy too. definitely hardy.
and definitely not a pushover. she'll be the kind of girl that you wouldn't want to make angry, but when she's in her good moods, she's harmless as a feather.
we'll do lot's of fun stuff that girls rarely do. like camping..yea camping (dirt included)...and long strolls in scenic walks.
some guys view marriage to be the loss of your freedom, but i don't think so.
but it is for freedom that we get married. less than just 2 more years...
i'll be married to my SAR.