Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



indeed, He speaks in ways most mysterious...

a man.
although only in his thirties,
his hair already white from the stress that's he's had over the years in business.
his wife recently died of cancer,
leaving him with 2 sons that aren't old enough to take care of themselves.
his business has failed.

his conclusion on the matter when asked by a friend:

"God does not make mistakes."

Bill Crowder was excellent just now.
clear, accurate, personal, practical, and funny.
3 simple questions from Daniel.

What do we base our values on?
The World's or God's?

Where is our focus?
Everything else or God?

What's it gonna take for us to be obedient to God?
7 years as a wildman
a humble recognition now of who we are and who He is?

happy birthday to my mom.
dunno if can go for Bill Crowder if we're celebrating...
maybe i can catch the second half...

There are NO mistakes.

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