Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




things to do eventually. alone or with others.

1. night cycle a distance at least equivalent to cycling to CBD.
2. fly a kite at marina bay(or any other place).
3. leisure walk the zoo.
4. leisure walk the science centre.
5. have a bbq on the roof one evening/night/early morning.
6. go fishing at bedok jetty(or any other place).
7. go on phto trip with ah kong. his choice.
8. paint my bike. and try and make it branded(as a joke of course).
9. catch a centipede.
10. make a garden(of some sort) on the roof.
11. launch(and record) a working sparkler rocket.
12. manage one hand pull-ups(number is not decided on yet..)
13. distort a metal pot from ikea.
14. go swimming, maybe kayaking also.

this is a super eventual thing
14. make my concept slinky toy.

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