Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



non belongs to me

i hate to admit it sometimes.
but today after i ate my dinner, my bro was playing the piano. my mom had brought back some free cake from some hotel cause of some conference or something. i was eating the cake and sipping some tea. my ah kong was sitting in the garden, also eating cake. my dad was watching his fishes, thinking. my ah ma was in her room, reading. my mom was with me, eating cake, sipping tea, and reading the news.
i saw all that was before me.
and i realised how fortunate i am.
fortunate in the sense that the life i've lived has been well-provided for throughout.
heck, i'll even say that i am wealthy. not filthy rich, but well-to-do the point of luxury even.
i suppose that i've been told before, either straight from my folks, or from people around me, that i am rich.
i don't like to be exclusive, especially not in this way, but it is something that i cannot deny.
whatever my sentiments, the fact is that there are many people in singapore who do not have as much. in fact, many of the people i know fall into that group. this is just singapore alone.
think of the countries all over.
not that there is anything wrong with that.
and i do not boast in any way over this because i know that none of this is except unless He wills it so.
however it makes me think about what i am doing with all this.
how have these resources been used? have i been responsibe?
the answer to that, i'm afraid, is really not worth boasting about.
i wonder if i can live with nothing.

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