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on sleeping

kar chua's sleeping on my bro's bed now.
we were both asleep on the floor yesterday.

wan jun: "so kc whole life come to your house one ah?"

me: "not whole life. yesterday. i slept here and he slept there. see this spot? yah. my saliva was around there."

sleeping habits that ought not be of any cause for alarm.
however unsettling.

i lie on the floor when i'm tired.
i fall asleep when i am very tired.
( sometimes i forget to log out of msn, and people think i am on msn all night when actually i was asleep by 10. sometimes i'm on all night(like now))

i drool usually when i enter deep sleep.
(this is regardless of location. during lectures. at a table. on a bed. on the floor. on the bus. in the toilet. the possibilities are endless.)

i sleep talk sometimes.
(usually i mumble, but i've heard that there've been times when my words were audible.)

sometimes i sleep move.
(like sleepwalking, just that i don't move around.)
i could suddenly sit up and move my arms around and mumble some stuff before falling back into my slumber.
(i have witnesses.)
this can be quite spooky.
my mind just happens to be overtly active that night.

my only fear is what happens if i let out secrets? my pin number...
..the horror...

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