Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




funny things about speakers.
1. Mr Lim was high yesterday, relentlessly stabbing away at Miss Ng, and acting as 2 people at once.
2. Mr Blumenstock spoke in jeans and slippers the whole time yesterday.
(which just makes SO much sense in this kind of climate...he should've worn shorts even...heck throw in a singlet as well why don't cha?)
3. This morning's speaker reminded me of Master Yoda. except he wasn't green, was taller than my knee and didn't have pointy ears.
4. Another speaker will be long bearded soon..wahaha.
5. Another speaker speaks with gestures that people apparently find pleasure in imitating.


rusty went for the conference yesterday!
a temasek poly professing muslim, confessing agnostic who reads shakespere and socrates out of interest during his free time and who scored 258 for psle and who trashed bob at winning 7-0 using barca against inter and whose birthday is on the 9th of Nov!
wonder how he found it....
.happy day.

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