Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



the wall. my home.

conversation at and after the wall

cassandra: "you really look like an ah pek"

me: "is that your own opinion? or have you been influenced by others?"

cassandra: "my own. your glasses so low lidat, then.."
turtle: "you need to do something about your appearance man.."

lol, went to climb just now. not sure if i was of much help to joon chung though...
led the 1st lane and the red the roof.
happy to say that it seems my technique has improved.
yay. i have no idea how, but that's good...slowly working towards leading the roof by nov, and i'll try as much as possible not to use the 2 jugs.

joon chung: "so you going for competition ah?"

me: "the bad thing about climbing comps is that they're usually on saturdays and sundays."

i nearly left turtle permanently lame today.
still disappointed with my negligence.

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