i seriously need a hair cut. but my mom left for jepun this morning, so that means there's nobody at home who can cut my hair for me. swell.
this morning i went to the land of ridiculously cheap books.
yes, that's bras basah complex for the unenlightened.
but despite their insanely rock bottom prices, i couldn't buy any books because of my insanely empty wallet.
(ok. not say empty, but you can't buy much with 2000 yen, 1 yuan and 60 cents...)
but anyhow,
can't find the books that i want. dunno why, but got no chesterton and lewis~sian~
also, met samuel just now, chatted for about an hour plus and he's considering coming to church. woohoo.
so many things to talk about, but i realised, as i did in a similar encounter with nicholas last firday, that i have a difficulty with smiling.
i enjoyed the conversations, but whenever i wanted to give a smile of assurance that they were not in the least bit boring me, i couldn't. the forced smile comes out pretty bad also, so that doesn't help.
it's just like in photos...i think i am horribly bad with photos when i try to smile.
it's easier to just keep a straight face.
see lah. train from young. just great.
note to all.
when my face is straight,
i am actually smiling,
just that i am not.