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an analogy to describe the incident yesterday

when a log falls into a river, i will float.
when the river leads to a waterfall, the log will also reach the water fall eventually.
the waterfall will be very powerful, and it will push on the log very strongly.
however that may not make the log fully submerge, nor in fact push the log down deep enough such that it enters the cave behind the water fall through the entrance at the bottom of the waterfall.
why is that?
well the log could be too big to fit through the entrance easily.
or the log may be too buoyant.
or the waterfall maynot be supplying enough water to push the log down and over.
so then will the log be left there for eternity, never ever crossing over?
if not then what can be done instead?
well, the log could be cut up into smaller pieces so as to make it easier to fit it through the entrance,
or the water fall could be made stronger for a short period of time by damming it up and then releasing the dammed up water, or the log could be pushed by an external force instead of just leaving the pushing to the water from the waterfall.
a crane or excavator could push the log, for example.
finally enabling it to reach the other side of the waterfall by submerging it deep enough to pass through the entrance.
i washed my hands with soap after that.

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