Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




the deadline for our irony essay was last monday.
so i handed it in on monday.
but it was counted as late.
because i put in the wrong place.
supposed to put in teacher's pigeon hole i put in teacher's box. late loh....great...

i also had a wonderful dream this morning in the library.
something about me and 2 other friends becoming very big after one friend completed a quest and the rest of us ate some bar thing.

was supposed to do vector homework but i felt tired so napped instead.

we had superpowers and nobody could stand in our way...

when i woke up, the people that i remembered were supposed to be behind me weren't.
they were quite noisy so i remember. and one of them sounded like cham cham but wasn't him cause i saw him at the other end of the library, but when i looked, he wasn't there either.

saw the clock.
15 min late for tutorial.
laughed to myself, AND at myself.

went downstairs, saw ariffin.
asked him what he was doing there.
he asked me the same question.
turns out we had the choice of either discussing our project in class or in the library.
but my group chose class....

went up the stairs.
went to the wrong class.
laughed again.
met teacher and explained
she didn't seem that bothered.
all in all a funny experience.

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