Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



why? you thirsty ah?

yes, crazy is an apt word.
woke up, worked on a lesson for chin kai.
he was early, i was at home, trying to print a the end gave up struggling, no time anyway.
changed, left.
found out my racer was still parked at eastpoint.
had to use the *gasps* dahon...
went down, decided to just bring ck st-e instead. lesson another day.
bumped into turtle at mrt before st-e, realised i forgot the concert packages!
finished st-e, chionged home.
raining. diao.
eventually managed to get to dbs on time with the stuff thanks to some good coordination and God's grace. earlier than the rest of the team in fact...
met ahs guys, good thing i chose the right attire.
if not, confirm super outdressed...not helpful...
watched the concert.
well done.
i think they were fresher today cos it was the only performance of the day, and the last of the tour. must've felt great when they played the last song.
shared, nice bunch of kids, better get their response slips back soon.
remembered our close proximity to maxwell!!
mai tu liao,
get a group and spread the love of HUM JIN BENG!
ran to make sure not sold out, funny.
my bad better next time.
but good came out of this, need to act soon, tmr would be good.
joon chung seemed to have enjoyed himself...hoho.
headed home.
more tales of heroism from GTOCH.
....hilarious...steal watermelon....


.this far. :)


came back.
hang out with dad, watch show, chat.
write this.
bathe(yes bathe),

double-day combo from miss lin! haha
that's prolly the max though.
keep hoping if u want...

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