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on whims and premeditations

i believe that when people ask questions out of the blue, they are either premeditated, or they are whimsical.

for example, i want to ask someone something, but i don't want to seem like i have some hidden agenda. so i spring another question that i could use to lead up to that question that i want to ask. that's premeditated. or i could just ask the question out of the blue to many people but only be particularly interested in one or two person's answer. that's also premeditated.
and usually these are things that will affect other things, like i may be considering something when i ask the question, and the answer to that question could settle certain things in my head.
this may sound a tad abstract, but i think i know what i'm saying.

whimsical questions may be important questions, but they are usually concieved in the moments just prior to being asked. and usually the person has no hidden motive for asking apart from mere curiousity.

the reason for this discussion?
my postulation is that
on saturday, my marriage-counsellor-projectionist asked on a whim,
on sunday, the sudden spring of questions was premeditated.

i'm gonna eat sushi this week.
live or die,
don't ask why.

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