working beside an open window.
you'll have an occasional breeze here and there that's pretty refreshing and sunlight that helps you see what you're doing.
there'd be no need to turn on the fan nor the light for that matter.
how great is that?
but beware. a bird may just happen to pop by and mistake your chemistry tys for a public lavatory.
what results is something rather hilarious, but on the whole still something i'd rather not encounter.
thanks ah.
itunes is giving me problems. it all started after i updated the thing. now it's jerky when it transits from song to song.
hai. i make back up after back up of the songs that i have, fearing that someday i'll lose all that i've downloaded because of some major electromagnetic pulse from a nuclear blast in the nearby vicinity.
took me years to get what i've got and i've already lost some songs along the way...and i still don't know how i lost them but the fact is taht i did.
this just serves to further emphasize the fact that all pysical things will eventually pass away. how impermanent all these things are....