Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



reflections of a behind. (pardon the awkward vocab.)

you're a dad.
you have a son(duh).
your son wants something that he doesn't need.(hence want.duh).
he doesn't particularly out rightly bug you for it.
but he blatantly tries to inconspicuously hint at wanting it.
you have the money to afford it.
but you know he has no good reason for getting it.
you also know that he will eventually end up leaving it to collect because everyting else he's had experienced the same fate, and that the hype never lasts.
what happens?
you buy it.
because you want your kid to be happy.
just the smile on his face is enough to make you want to spend the money.
heck, even if he doesn't smile. even if he pulls a long face, you know he's happy.
and you're happy he's happy.
even if it isn't fully utilised, you don't care.
cos what actually is fully utilised? i don't know. but that's beside the point.
this is when a dad loves his son.
it ain't perfect love.
sometimes it's even unthinking and foolish.
sometimes it's misunderstood.
but it should NOT be belittled.
woe to him who appreciates not the love of his parents.
even this is a gift from God. all by grace.

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