Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



these hands are for working

the larger part of today was spent in the loft.
set up amplifier, plug in ipod, start studying.
occasionally distracted by food and comics...but nothing academically threatening. i think.

kukaracha came over in the evening for a free hair cut courtesy of yours truly.
haha. not bad for my thrid cut.
(first was my bro. second was myself...that was terrible...)
had some holes here and there at first but managed to even things out, and anyway, mom eventually came home so she managed to salvage whatever was in need of salvaging.

kc was saying how i should take up a hair-styling course in poly or ite...which is something i think about sometimes.

i'd very much rather use my hands than my brains i realize. if not then it's to use my brain to think of things that i will eventually do with my hands.
hands-on stuff. not academic stuff.
but this i think can be attributed to laziness. laziness to comprehend and remember(hence academic stuff fall here).
but if it's just simple problem solving to complete a task, i'm fine (hence hands-on is ok).
which is one of the reasons why i'd rather go army than stay in jc i think. it's because i'm lazy to think about academic stuff...
but alas i must.

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