Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



final bout. saaaaaaa~~~~~ KOI!

it's the season of romance,
and love is in the air.
it's the spring of youth right now...

if you're a toad.

they've been terrorising the pond.
mating season i think. noisy like anything.
croaking everynight for the past few days.
my mom says she has trouble sleeping sometimes.
so bo pian, we have to catch them and deport them.
haha, send them into exile.
i managed to catch 2 more last night.
the night before also got many...
but it seems like they're gone...for now...
no love songs tonight.

today also had the circuit breaker trip a few times.
haii...and we can't seem to locate the problem.
don't know if it's the pond, the fish tank, or the television.
or some other source that we're not aware of.
all armed with torchlights just in case.
but's actually great fun when it trips at night.
the whole place gets thrown into darkness...just like old times when we stayed in the old house.
it'd be great if can play catching or hide and seek in such like anything.
i asked dong about playing hide and seek in church at night durig the camp...turn off all the lights and use torchlights to play...
idea rejected.
.....the best place to play..the best time....must try and persuade him..must...

tomorrow is the final bout.
back to back battles. it'll be tough, but what a way to end the week!
then night time will get to enjoy the moon in peace with lotsa plum juic and lotsa snyders.
today was not bad the paper...
i think...
but made some exam errors that should have been avoided with better planning.
ah well, shouldn't be too much of a prob.

was watching discovery channel just now(i think...maybe it was nat. geog...not sure...some animal show can liao lah)
saw how amazing animals are yet again and have decided to go to the zoo again!
maybe monday or tuesday...

gave chinks a call just now.
he decided not to withdraw from tj!!
so happy that he decided to stick to it.
was not sure at first after i called him on tues.
he still seemed intent on going vj then...
but just now he said that he's decided that he won't change.
let's go forward without looking back!

ok. the heater should be warm now.
wouldn't it be great to bathe in the dark?
lastly, i think i'm sick(one of those rare cases...)
caught a cold it seems. an occasional chill and sneeze here and there.
must be the studying. body can't cope with this foreign practice...
but then again...even in small amounts it can be so effective?
maybe it's cause i've been gonig around with less clothing than usual...
hai...good thing i don't take bio...

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