Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



he also said he'd name him nitendo...

quick one before i go and climb.
i've not eaten anything in the past 20 hours.
at an all time low of 42.5 kg...
the wonders of dieting.
bob says he'll teach his son to skateboard if he has one.
if i had a son, i'd teach him to excel in catching.
so many things to teach children.
so cool to have a son. like every time see mel, he'd have grown a bit and he'd have learnt new things...
waha. now he can take out his binky with his hand so that he can eat fod.
few weeks ago he learnt to crawl...soon he'll be able to walk!
so amazing...the development of a child....

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