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waiting for your call~ i'm sick, call~ i'm angry, call~ i'm...

thanks to a much-appreciated intro by turtle,
i've been listening to, whistling and singing "Your Call" by Secondhand Serenade,
and ms lee hates it.
ha can't stand the song, my singing AND my singing of the song.
so you can imagine the pain he went through, and the glee we felt, when, at 4 a.m. in the morning, me and dong sang the song while turtle played the guitar amidst the countless bridge games we had at tcpc.
haha, it drove him crazy..
we sang it in the car just now too. he blasted his radio just to drown out our voices.
but i cannot understand why he doesn't like such a pleasant song. it's so nice...
ah well, it just such a blast to disturb him this way.

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