Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



happy belated new year!

4 days late, i know. but who cares?
it's been 2 days into the skool term and already...i'm sleeping in lectures...
GAHHH. what to do!? the teacher really REALLY very boring..
but really..this year will be xiong.
looking at where i am, looking at where i need to be by the end of this year,
i think....i'm better off as...

Ernest The Handy Man.

imagine that!
1 call away from having all your household prolems solved!

toilet choked?

call ETHM!

bulb blown?

call ETHM!

fridge spoilt?

call ETHM!

air-con not working?


just been burgled?

CALL 999!!!

ok. enough with dreaming.

at the dawn of the year, i already planned for some systems to be put in place to make sure that i don't die too uglyly(does such a word even exist?).
now i just need to get it all in motion and live as responsibly as i can.
the rest i can only leave it up to the single, solitary Sovereign.
with that settled, the only thing left for me now is to advance.
just go!

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