Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



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mel can walk now.
no stroller. no helping adult hand. no wall support.
and no boundary.
if you're in between him and his destination, he knows no "detour".
he just plows right through you.
not helpful when you're in the midst of a Bible study...already he's stepped onto ms lee, me, andrew, mr ong, AND our Bibles...
little terror...albeit cute little terror.
can't wait for him to learn to play catching and soccer and the like...wah, then can put his plowing energies to proper use!

i'm sure it'll come quite soon enough though.
time passes way too quickly.
yes, i know, we weren't made for time the way it is now, but still...
sometimes i just wished that some things don't end. least not just yet...
but alas, somethings won't change just cause we don't like it.
we need to learn, grow, and just

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