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craftsman. warrior. child.

The art, that if not passed on, will be forgotten forever.
The art of converting a piece of trash into an agent pain, which, when at the disposal of skilled hands, strikes fear into the hearts of all who come against it.

1. Get a piece of rough paper. Generally, paper that would otherwise be thrown away works better; they seem to stretch more.

2. Tear out a piece measuring approximately 11 x 8 cm.

3. Fold it in half three times, lengthwise(means make both the shorter ends touch each other).

4. Each time, flatten the fold as much as possible. Usually, i use either a ruler or my finger nails to do this.

5. Using a rounded object(like a pen or pencil), curl the breadth by wrapping it around the boject.

6. The hardest part. Roll up the piece of paper tightly, starting from the loose end side(not the folded side).

7. The key is to make it as compact as possible. This means tightening it real tight.

8. Use a rounded object to now press down on the paper roll. Press on the side that does not have a fold.

9. Curl the roll of paper around the rounded object.

10. Voila! Superior paper bullet. The idea is to get a 'U'-shaped bullet that is very tightly packed.

(***note: i did not come up with this design. i learnt it from bob, many years ago, who first learnt it from roy, that same many years ago, who first learnt it from i don't know who. the design may differ slightly from the original, but after making hundreds of bullets over the years, this is, what i find, works best. however, the shooting technique is something i learnt on my own and i am willing to receive advice from others, anytime.)

For accurate shooting,
First pull back, keeping your rubberband- arm straight and aimed towards the ground.
Next, fix your eyes on your target.
When you are ready to take a shot, raise your rubberband-arm until it is aimed high up.
Then as you lower it, release the bullet when it is aimed right above the target.
To achieve best results, it helps if you do the firing sequence in one smooth motion.

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