went jogging with hj again just now.
he was tired today so we didn't cover the same distance as last time.
slightly less, but still tiring.
ran with a stitch this time. ughh. terrible feeling.
the thing i've come to realise though, is that after you've covered a few k, you just eventually kinda switch off.
you become conscious of very little things.
it's like sometimes, all your processing power just goes to moving one foot in front of the other.
and then again.
and again.
and again.
and again.
and so on and so forth...until you finally reach your destination.
i guess it helped to have the moon so clear in the sky tonight.
something to look at and admire while you feel the wind in your face.
sometimes my mind wanders and i think about stuff.
honestly, all sorts of random stuff just run through my head. happenings, persons, things, songs, shows, plans...food.
heh, some of the things that i considered were quite intersting...
we came back and sat down out front after doing our stretching.
two topless guys talking about all sorts of stuff in the middle of the night.
to think, when i first met him, i didn't even like him.
it's amazing.
maybe i'll write about that next time.
now is sleepy time.