Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come




just saw teenage mutant ninja turtles.
heh, turned out as i expected it to be: simple and light-hearted.
nothing exceptional, but an entertaining film nonetheless.
animation was smooth and jokes were quite funny.
i'm glad it didn't spoil any memories of what i saw in the past. one of my childhood cartoons, i liked michaelangelo the most cos he's such a cool dude.

thinking about my growing up, i've come to realise that there was no way to determine how i(or anyone else) would eventually turn out. meaning, my parents were definitely unable to control or decide what kind of person i would become as i developed. the things that i like, my personality, my perspective towards things, my strengths and weaknesses, all these, although affected by how i was raised, could not have been planned by my folks.
waht's my point?
bob has said before that if he ever had a kid, one of the things he'd teach him is to skateboard.
that would be cool. to have a son that liked the same things that you like. kind of like a junior you. it would be great if had a son taht liked soccer and climbing and movies and books and comics and drawing and whatnots.
but then again, i can't control that.
all i can actually do is expose him to the things that i like.
heh, for all you know, i may end up having a daughter that likes golf and soap operas and studying and staying put.
that would be real funny.
of course. i may not even have a kid in the first place. then all this would just remain as mere musings.

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