watched samurai fiction yesterday. haha, entertaining show. courtesy of video ezy mj branch.
simple story with funny characters. i thought it was gonna be some serious show. dead wrong.
interesting filming. his use of colour at certain points and the music....
basically is a good ol' skllled samurai gives up killing kind of movie.
the main actress was pretty too. heh. i like the way she wore her hair.
then after that i saw scrubs on cable. lol, another funny show. i'm beginning to like it more and more.
oh dear i hope it doesn't develop into an addiction...shouldn't ba.
mom's hooked on goong now.
what a joke. i suggested that she might like the show, so dad went to get the series one day ( can thank yahoo auctions for that).
then mom says that she should not be sleeping late cos it's gonna affect her work.
so dad says ok, one episode at a time...sure. like that's ever gonna happen.
first time mom watches, it's 3 episodes straight. 1 disc. 3 hours of korean drama. slept around 1 or 2 plus.
so much for moderation. haii. and it's gonna be like this til she finishes the series i reckon.
apparently dad bought another 2 jap dramas off yahoo...
lol, it's endless.
been clearing the study. i love spring cleaning. makes me feel much better.
i'm not done yet though. only moved stuff here and there.
i really should be getting to work now...