not sure if i've wrote about this before, but anyway, been thinking abit about it recently.
over the years i've learnt to hide my feelings, or hide certain aspects of me, or choose to only show certain sides of me. act, or respond in a certian manner, sometimes one that is not true to my actual thoughts.
um, some people would call this wearing masks? ya. i think i do that.
then i was just thinking, so which is actually the real me?
maybe not as complicated as i think. quite simple actually.
what i am when i'm alone is me loh. and also all those different masks added together would make me too. as in, one face is one side, so add all together and you get the whole.
so then, who has seen me as i am? or who has seen me most as i am?
interestingly(actually this ought to be expexted loh...) enough, in terms of breadth(depth i don't know), i think the person who has seen more sides of me than anyone else is my brother.
seen me angry, seen me sad, seen me happy, seen me serious, seen me crazy, seen me collected, seen me humiliated...and so on and so forth.i don't know still got what. of course this is just in terms of seeing. many things he still doesn't understand about me(i can't, for the life of me, understand "why?" though....even after so long he still just doesn't get it).
even when people think they know me, very often, they only know a certain side of me. they've not seen me in certain 'modes'. but of course, this, i think, is equally true for mostly everyone else. how does someone behave when he is at home? around his parents? at school? among his friends? when he is shy? when he is angered? when he is hit? when he is alone?
hoho. it turns out that there is actually so much more to know about people than we usually think. we think we know a person, but the truth is, we only know how he is like when he is in such and such an environment. take him out and put him elsewhere and what do you get? a whole plethora of faces you never knew the person had!
that's why...never think you know a person well. not unless you've sufficiently spent enough time interacting with them, observing them, learning about them. if not, ho boy, don't get shocked when one day you meet someone you never knew existed before.