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the best is yet to come



i scared more components means spoil faster

ura just replaced mom's old phone with a newer model.
but she doesn't like that new one cos its buttons are smaller and cos of some other things(actually she just don't want to change phone la).
she likes things to last forever. like when she has to replace something that she likes, she tries to find a replacement that resembles the previous one as much as possible. i'm like that abit, but abit abit only la, not as much as her.
so now she's swopped phones with me. dad had her choose from among our phones to see which she'd rather have instead of hers.
that means that now i got a phone with 4 more buttons than my older one...
hai. i dun want so many buttons leh. and actually i think don't need one loh. i don't know what to do with them lidat...
this new one more complicated also. more functions and whatnots, most of which i think i won't use. but can la, i'll get used to it. eventually.
oh, and the unsmsables still exist on this phone too. dad's conclusion is that it's a sim card prob...

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