Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



rain rain rain :)

it's been a rainy day.
rained in the morning. rained in the afternoon. rained in the evening. raining now.
i like rain. :)
just now on my way back from eh, it was raining but i couldn't walk in it too long lest my bag(and its contents) got wet.
so tried not to let my bag get wet loh.
but just now different! all i had was my wallet and my phone, all of which could have been kept safely under the shelter of my shirt!
so! i could happily walk home in the rain and get wet for the life of me! but aiyah won't so easily sick one la. if so then skool would have been so much easier to miss.
now i think i know why i had a deep ache in my right thigh(it's still there).
i remember on the night soujiro had to fight for his life, it rained. and before it rained, shishio had aches all over his body. and from that he predicted, "a storm is coming". i think i'm experiencing something similar to what shishio felt.
or it could be cancer. heh.
watched pan's labyrinth. nice. i would like to see again if i could. with less comments, thank you very much. heh, is it a war show with an element of fantasy? or a fantasy show set within a period of war? is there actually a difference? prolly not. does it matter if there is? i doubt it.
need to watch less shows liao. time to stand down on movies.
say 'no' to vcds, dvds, vhs, lds, princess, gv, shaw, cathay, and youtube.
i think this will be the last show i watch until my a's? try and make sure it is la. unless i desperately need some film therapy to keep my sanity later on...

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