Born in the wrong era? No. There is no wrong era.

the best is yet to come



they better grow stronger.

my feet are wasted.
today met amos and daniel in the morning. those two so funny, always makes me smile when they talk simultaneously and expect me to hear both at the same time.
then went shopping with amos to look for a present for my dad. he talk alot of rubbish along the way. interesting.
next was to head down to east coast for the bbq.. xiong. play until super jialat(got such thing one sia)
we played soccer first. bare feet of course.
it was in some field beside the carpark = grass + stones.
lotsa trees = sticks + twigs + branches + fruit things.
waht all that means is that it was terrible for my feet. and i ran more cos my team alot of ginna.
then...ultimate frisbee in the same field. more pain. and sweat. and pain. and dirt. and pain. bare feet again.
then...some small relak passing pass frisbee ah, pass ball ah. lidat only. relax one.
then...up the pace...monkey...but i did little running cos was rarely the monkey.
then...more soccer. team tired liao. play in a bigger area. play in more thing on floor area. run more. pain more. still bare feet.
that was it after that. i cannot tahan liao.
the rest of the time consisted of largely sitting down, following mel around just in case, and soaking my feet in the sea. feets are more strenuous stuff for the time being then...

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